Renowned YouTuber and affluent car collector, Bill Omar Carrasquillo, otherwise referred to by his online alias “Omi in a Hellcat,” has fallen afoul of the federal law. Consequently, his prized Lamborghini Aventador, a Power-Rangers-branded spectacle, is due to be auctioned. The supercar is only one among 32 vehicles from his sprawling collection that face the auctioneer’s gavels, following Carrasquillo’s conviction and sentencing of five and a half years for fraudulent activities and related criminality.
Over the years, Carrasquillo had woven himself into a complex web of criminality that spanned several illegal ventures. These included pirating cable TV, wire fraud, access device fraud, and copyright infringement which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. A recent dispatch from the US Marshals Service disclosed further unsettling facts about Carrasquillo’s criminal portfolio, including instances of money laundering.
Carrasquillo stands to suffer a $30 million forfeiture money judgment in adherence to his sentence. Additionally, he is required to fulfil a restitution payment amounting to $15 million.
As a centerpiece of Carrasquillo’s flamboyant collection, the Power-Rangers-themed Lamborghini Aventador, currently bids at an impressive $387,000; a testament to its owner’s previous lavish lifestyle. The auction featuring this spectacle, alongside over 55 of Carrasquillo’s other luxury cars, motorcycles, ATVs and more, is scheduled for October 13th. While online bidding has already started, the actual auction will be held at the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore.
Jewelry seized from Carrasquillo’s possession will also be available for bidding at a separately organized online auction. This includes a diamond-laden pendant Carrasquillo often wore, stylized with “Omi in a Hellcat” etched around a feral feline figure.
Apple Auctioneering Co. in collaboration with the US Marshals Service will be overseeing the sale of a total of 57 vehicles, including three more Lamborghinis, a Bentley, a Mercedes-Benz, four Jeeps, three Dodge Charger Hellcats, and several ATVs and motorcycles.
Carrasquillo used his YouTube platform, boasting an impressive follower count of more than 818,000 subscribers, to document his lavish lifestyl and car collecting journey. Details from the Justice Department reveal that Carrasquillo and his co-culprits were deeply involved in a large-scale internet protocol television (IPTV) piracy scheme, where they fraudulently accessed cable television accounts and resold copyrighted content to thousands of their own subscribers.
The group pocketed over $30 million from this scheme alone, which Carrasquillo unabashedly used to purchase an assortment of luxury vehicles and properties.