Ever dream of writing a children’s book? I know I have given it some serious thought a few times but really never knew how to go about it. One of West Island Blog’s bloggers, Suzanne Reisler Litwin, is offering a workshop that can take some of the mystery out of writing for kids.
Try your hand at writing children’s literature. This course is designed for students who wish to explore the fundamentals of writing for children. It will be conducted in a workshop format where students share their writing and learn the details of writing stories specifically for children. By the end of the course, students will have completed a portion of a picture book or a children’s story book.
The course is called Writing For Children 1 – CEJN 118. It is part of The Centre for Continuing Education in the Communications + Public Relations Department. Register at www.concordia.ca.
The course will be offered from April 4 to June 6, Mondays from 8:20 to 10:35 PM. No prerequisite required.
To register head over to www.concordia.ca
To take a look at Suzanne’s work and get to know her better check out www.suzannereislerlitwin.com and her work on this Blog under the tab Keeping it Real.