Write a children’s book with Suzanne Reisler Litwin


Ever dream of writing a children’s book?  I know I have given it some serious thought a few times but really never knew how to go about it.  One of West Island Blog’s bloggers, Suzanne Reisler Litwin,  is offering a workshop that can take some of the mystery out of writing for kids.child reading

‎Try your hand at writing children’s literature. This course is designed for students who wish to explore the fundamentals of writing for children. It will be conducted in a workshop format where students share their writing and learn the details of writing stories specifically for children. By the end of the course, students will have completed a portion of a picture book or a children’s story book.

The course is called Writing For Children 1 – CEJN 118. It is part of The Centre for Continuing Education in the Communications + Public Relations Department. ‎ Register at www.concordia.ca.

‎The course will be offered from April 4 to June 6, Mondays  from 8:20 to 10:35 PM. ‎No prerequisite required.

To register head over to www.concordia.ca

To take a look at Suzanne’s work and get to know her better check out www.suzannereislerlitwin.com and her work on this Blog under the tab Keeping it Real.