Woman’s viral jackpot frustration reveals myth about expired ID and casino winnings


A cacophony erupted on the casino floor as a woman began screaming, pleading for her jackpot earnings, all while creating confusion amongst those present. The incident, a clip of which went viral on TikTok, has brought to the fore a prevalent myth – that an expired ID prevents successful cash-out of big winnings.

The woman in question can be heard screaming “Get me my money that I won!”, stirring up the otherwise orderly environment of the casino. A melodramatic voiceover accompanying the clip intones: “She won the jackpot, but expired ID equals no cash-out.” A cinematic voiceover that could easily belong to the infamous “in a world where” movie-trailer narrator.

It’s crucial to clear up this fallacy – the woman didn’t lose her money. Rather, she unwittingly contributed to the increasing viral potency of misinformation on social networks, a deceit that irked viewers and sparked outrage.

Such responses were apparent in comments like, “The casino will REACH for ANY reason NOT to pay a winner!!!” And: “They didn’t care about her expired [ID] when she was putting the $ in and lost !?!”

It’s worth clarifying: If an individual cannot provide a valid photo ID (e.g. a not-expired driver’s license or a state-issued ID or passport) in conjunction with a Social Security or tax ID number when they hit the jackpot, U.S. casinos are mandated by law to withhold the payout until the winner can produce said documents.

This regulation applies to anyone winning $1,200 or more on slot machines or video games, or over $10,000 on table games. This is a key mechanism to ensure that Uncle Sam gets its share of the pie – an obligation that the gambling industry meticulously upholds.

Catering to their overseas patrons, Non-U.S. residents are also required to pay tax at a rate potentially as high as 30%.

The casino will retain unclaimed winnings until the rightful winner can validly claim them – an assurance augmented by a routine photograph to prevent fraudulence.

When our temper-flared protagonist cooled down, she would be provided with a detailed timeline to return to the casino, a copy of the claim form, and a valid ID and Social Security or tax ID number. The timeframe for such activities varies, generally offering sufficient periods for individuals to renew an expired ID or remember a misplaced Social Security number – in many cases, up to 90 days. However, casinos have the right to hold unclaimed cash on hand indefinitely, and they often do.

Extensive research did not reveal any litigation cases regarding insufficient time alloted to claim winnings. That being said, there are several reasons why a casino can deny payment.

A prevalent reason is being underage – an offense that leads to automatic forfeiture of the jackpot, rendering it a part of the casino’s revenue.

Another is landing one’s name on the “deadbeat database,” a list for those who owe unpaid state fines or restitution, or child support, particularly in Nevada.

On some occasions, gamblers may enroll in the self-exclusion list – a program designed to help addicts abstain from gambling. Enrollees can face prosecution for even attempting to claim their winnings or enter a casino.

Lastly, attempted fraud – such as claiming another person’s winnings – can lead to charges, ranging from misdemeanor to felony theft.

Though it may seem bewildering, occasionally a slot machine will display a jackpot win that never happened, often due to a technical error – an infrequent but conceivable scenario.

Contrary to the opinions perpetuated on TikTok, casinos never employ devious or illegal approaches to deprive customers of their winnings, the risk to their operational licenses is just too significant.

In conclusion, it’s imperative to clarify that the casino industry is regulated by strict laws and regulations to ensure fair and lawful operations. Engaging in any form of illicit action to claim winnings will not be tolerated.

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