The WIMCC Officially Presents Laurentide Controls with Business of the Year Trophy


On Wednesday September 28th, 2016, The West Island of Montreal Chamber of Commerce (WIMCC) held its annual ceremony to officially recognize Laurentide Controls at the 2016 Accolades Business of the Year.

Taking part in the trophy presentation, which took place at the offices of Laurentide Controls in Kirkland, were the employees of Laurentide Controls and local dignitaries. This recognition was originally bestowed on Laurentide Controls at the WIMCC’s 31st annual Accolades Gala, which took place on June 2nd, 2016 at the Montreal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel.

In his opening words, the WIMCC’s President & Executive Director, Joseph Huza explained that “Not only does it do an excellent job of encouraging member to member interaction and recognize business excellence amongst the membership, the Chamber also plays an important role in terms of advocacy.” He continued by stating a few examples where the WIMCC was active in its role of advocacy in the past year: “Public transportation such as the new electric train project; infrastructure; and assuring the steady supply of energy to manufacturers”.

The Business of the Year trophy is awarded to one of the 11 recipients of the Accolades Competition. Laurentide Controls’ candidacy for the Accolades 2016 was put forward by Matteo Maggio, Senior Account Manager at RBC Royal Bank, where they distinguished themselves in the Human Resources category.

“The Executive uses a set of criteria to help guide it to select the company that best exemplifies West Island values which include active presence in community”, explained Me Jean-René Paquette, Chairman of the Board of the WIMCC and Associate at Paquette & Associés, Attorneys. “Laurentide Controls will join other names such as Walter Surface Technologies and Hewitt as West Island businesses of the year”, concluded Me Paquette.

When accepting his trophy, the President of Laurentide Controls, Steve Dustin expressed that “This trophy was earned by all of our employees and it would not have been possible without all of [them] working together. It is an honor and a privilege to lead this company, but also to be part of the team.”

Also present at the ceremony were Michel Gibson, Mayor of Kirkland, Marie-Claude Durand, Manager – Community Relations – Montreal Branch – Regional Affairs and Communities at Hydro-Québec and Diamond Partner of the 2016 Accolades Gala; Yan Liao, Vice-président, Entreprises commerciales Région Ouest de l’Ile de Montréal et Outaouais at RBC Royal Bank, Matteo Maggio, Senior Account Manager at RBC Royal Bank, Éric Léouzon, VP Communications of the WIMCC Board of Directors, President of Maestro Communications and Gold Partner of the 2016 Accolades Gala.