West Island Mission is looking for volunteers in order to guarantee another successful “Sponsor a Backpack” event this coming August.
On Friday August 11th, volunteers are needed to transport items, package the backpacks and set up the gym. Then on Saturday August 12th, volunteers would help distribute the supplies to recipients as they come to pick them up, as well as the cleanup and transport of unused supplies back to our warehouse location. Below is a schedule with time slots that they will be looking to fill. Please consider helping out.
1) PLEASE NOTE that if you have gently used children/teen clothing that you’d like to donate, you can drop them at the WIM warehouse location (139 Labrosse, Pointe Claire) Mondays to Thursdays between 1:00-4:00pm or Saturday mornings between 9-10am.
2) Friday
afternoon (Aug 11th) – Gentlemen (including someone to drive a rental truck) are needed to help transport all the items for the event from the warehouse to the event location beginning around 3:30-4:00pm.
evening – anytime between 6:00-9:30pm (assembling backpacks & gym setup)
3) Saturday (Aug 12th) – 9:00am – 12:00am
– 12:00am – 3:00pm (including a clean up time)
– 3:30 – 4:30pm (returning items to the warehouse)
Volunteers are also needed to help take unused items back to the warehouse location from about3:30-4:30pm, including someone to drive a rental truck.
Note: They are looking for several volunteers to do face painting and balloon animals.
If you are available and interested, please contact Wendy Gariepy at WIMMOI@hotmail.com.