West Island Resident Publishes Poetry Book


Anna Belleau, a resident from the West Island, has just published a book “Poésie en liberté”.

Part of the sales will be donated to the West Island Mission for the Back-to-school Program project. Just order by sending an email to grappa@videotron.ca. Books will be delivered to your house. If the equivalent book is bought at the Sainte Anne de Bellevue Library, part of the sales will be donated to the SADB food bank. The cost is 15$.

Author’s comment: As I accumulated more than 200, the desire to share them became so great that a book was created. Actually, there are two and a third on the way. “Poésie en liberté” and “Poésie en rafale”. I hope that my poems bring readers a moment for themselves and to themselves. You may be touched with joy, with sadness but never indifference. A book to keep on your bedside table for yourself or to give to a special person. Enjoy!