Water expect to remain stable, free legal aide and financial assistance for Ste. Anne’s flood victims


An update from the City of Sainte Anne De Bellevue


The water level is still high but stable and should remain high for the next three weeks according to the Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec. When the water level will be below the flood threshold, we will come to help you remove the sand bags from your home or shop.  To make a request for assistance, please call 514 457-1001.



Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue property owners affected by the recent floods (spring 2017), in areas located on the shores of, or around Lac des Deux-Montagnes and Lac St-Louis, could be eligible for payment deferral of their second 2017 municipal tax instalment. Payment would be due no later than September 1st, 2017, instead of May 25th, 2017. To find out if you can benefit from this measure, please contact Isabelle Paiement (514 457-7554) at City Hall.

Please note that this exceptional measure only applies to affected properties. You must have obtained a confirmation number from the City (Isabelle) in order to benefit from this measure. If you have not followed these instructions and you do not pay by May 25, 2017, interest and penalties will accrue as per our municipal bylaw.


The Government of Québec has announced a new program of specific financial assistance as well as the introduction of a new refundable tax credit for individuals affected by the floods. For information : http://www.fil-information.gouv.qc.ca/Pages/Article.aspx?idArticle=2505171608&lang=en


In addition, the Red Cross is assisting flood-affected communities by announcing that $ 4 million will be distributed to flood victims. You may be eligible for direct financial assistance. If you have been affected by the floods in Quebec, register with the Red Cross here. http://my.redcross.ca/crcportal-fr/disaster-events/beneficiary-registration/?dEventId=12F5165E-9335-E711-80FA-C4346BAC3908



To get in touch with a lawyer giving free legal information by phone : contact Info-Barreau at 514-954-3411 or toll-free at 1 844 954-3411, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Information document by Le Barreau du Québec (in french only): https://www.barreau.qc.ca/pdf/publications/2017-inondations.pdf 

Ste. Annes. Rhonda Massad, West Island Blog, Mtlflood2017, Flood, Ste Anne De Bellevue, Paola Hawa