US Casinos Poised to Become More Lucrative amid Pandemic


Despite the COVID-19 situation, US casino reports their second-best second quarter in history and hauled about $13.6 billion in proceeds. This means that 2021 is among the best years ever, and is poised to be even more lucrative.

In 2019, casinos in the US reported $43.6 billion in proceeds in the second quarter which is the best year ever in the industry. In the first quarter of 2021, the gambling industry has already won $25 billion.

According to information released by the American Gaming Association, the gaming revenue from the 25 states with legal commercial casinos increased significantly in the second quarter than in 2019.

The 2020 data are not available for comparison because the coronavirus lockdowns disrupted businesses forcing them to shut down for months. However, from January through June this year, nine states reported an impressive revenue, even better than the same period in 2019.

The increased vaccines rollout and stimulus checks have enabled gamblers to return to casinos. In Las Vegas, tourism has increased over the past several months, conversely increasing revenue. However, a recent spike of cases of Delta variant had officials in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Hawaii cautioning its residents from visiting Vegas. Nevada is among states with low vaccination rates.