Telegram has unveiled its first update of 2025, introducing collectible gifts that users can trade as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on various marketplaces. With this update, gifts sent or received via Telegram can be transformed into collectibles, featuring unique designs and traits such as background colors and icons, along with different rarity levels. Telegram revealed that there are already over 1,400 gift variations, including items like “Homemade Cake” and “Jelly Bunny,” with plans to expand this range further.
To upgrade a gift into a collectible, users need Telegram Stars, virtual items that facilitate the purchase of digital goods and services within the Telegram ecosystem, covering the necessary blockchain fees. These collectibles can not only be transferred to other users but can also be auctioned on NFT marketplaces, although Telegram has not specified which ones.
In addition to the collectible gifts, Telegram’s update includes other features, such as the ability for users to react to service messages generated by various activities like gift sending, group joining, or the start of a video chat. There are also new filters for message searches, allowing users to narrow down results by private chats, groups, or channels.