Toastmasters in Beaconsfield celebrates 1000 meetings – Join the festivities


by Rhonda Massad

Next week on March 15, Beaconsfield Toastmasters will be clocking their 1000th meeting and they want you to come out and celebrate with them. 

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Every Tuesday, for the past 1000 Tuesdays for close to 20 years a group of fun loving members and guests get together to try their hand at speaking to a crowd.  Levels of ability vary from the seasoned speaker who can captivate a room with a whisper to the  anxious speaker who would just like to figure out a way to say a few words in front of group of people. 

Meetings are hosted by the members themselves, every Tuesday night, with everyone having their role to play.  Each member is given a workbook style “bucket” list of how to grow your ability to speak and participate in a meeting on a leadership level.  Members are encouraged to work through the steps to becoming a well rounded speaker and leader.

The two hour meetings are structured as any business style meeting, with minutes taken and resolutions recorded giving members a chance to see and feel a business meeting up close.  There is time allocated for listening to a few speeches, giving friendly feedback and enjoying a round of Table Topics. 

Table topics is a favoured part of the night when random topics are given out to those who wish to participate.  Participants then proceed to compete in a friendly contest where spontaneous speeches are given with no preparation.  Plenty of fun and laughter are had by all.  Those who enjoy the competitive process can participate in contests with other clubs locally and internationally. 

Guests are always welcomed free of charge. 

Meetings are every Tuesday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30 pm

Beaconsfield Toastmasters Club

Herb Linder Annex           

303 Blvd Beaconsfield Rd, 

Beaconsfield, QC, H9W 4A7