In Calgary, a 20-year-old man, Zakarya Rida Hussein, finds himself embroiled in serious legal proceedings as he faces four terrorism-related charges. The charges are linked to a TikTok video, leading him to acquiring new legal representation.
Hussein fell under scrutiny in June, accused of two counts of facilitating terrorist activity and two counts of engaging or contributing to terrorist group activities. The previous representation, a legal agent for Rame Katrib, attended a recent court hearing to formalize Katrib’s removal as the acting counsel on this case.
The new defending counsel for Hussein is Alain Hepner, selected to spearhead Hussein’s defense against the grave charges. According to court documents, Hussein allegedly posted a TikTok video in May, contributing to or aiding terrorist activities linked to notorious groups including al-Qaida and the Islamic State group.
The allegations don’t stop at the video; Hussein is also accused of possessing or preparing instructions for manufacturing bombs. This information forms an unsettling backdrop to the charges leveled against him.
Following an exhaustive investigation carried out by the Federal Policing Integrated National Security Enforcement Team of the RCMP, with collaboration from Calgary police, these charges emerged. The investigation was not single-faceted, however, as it also led to the arrest of an anonymous Calgary youth back in June, as part of a larger terrorism-related probe.