On Thursday, a shooting incident near the Bear River Casino Resort in Loleta, California, resulted in the arrest of three individuals. Bullets aimed at two pedestrians missed their targets, leaving the men unharmed. The victims immediately contacted the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at 3:40 a.m., describing the assailants’ vehicles as a silver, two-door sedan and a black pickup truck.
Authorities were able to trace two suspects to a residence on Carroll Road, where they discovered multiple firearms. Fernando Martinez, 26, from Visalia, California, was apprehended and charged with violating parole and resisting arrest. Robert Ellis, 33, of Loleta, faced charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm and having an unregistered firearm. Later that day, Madison Carroll, 23, also of Loleta, was arrested and charged with brandishing and discharging a firearm. The motive behind the gunfire remains unclear as deputies continue their investigation.
In a separate incident on the same day, visitors at California’s Eagle Mountain Casino had to evacuate the building due to a gas leak. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. By 10 p.m., everyone was allowed back inside the casino. The cause of the gas leak is still uncertain. Firefighters and the local gas company responded to the incident at the casino, which is located in Portersville and operated by the Tule River Tribe of California. The casino recently relocated from a smaller venue in May 2023.
Meanwhile, on July 30, a theft occurred at a gaming property in Lake Charles, Louisiana. An unidentified man stole several hundred dollars worth of vouchers from a woman who had placed them on top of a gaming machine. The theft occurred at about 12:49 a.m., according to Lake Charles Police Department Lt. Brenda Treadway. The suspect, captured by casino surveillance cameras, is also wanted for questioning in connection with another incident at the same casino.