The Royal Canadian Navy Plans To Replace Canada’s Beleaguered Submarine Fleet


The Royal Canadian Navy is going forward with the push to replace Canada’s beleaguered submarine fleet. The topic is most certainly a controversial one because most people don’t even see the need for such vessels.

Defence officials have appointed a special team who will try to determine what Canada needs in new submarines. The existing Canadian submarines are in a bad shape, and it is obvious that these vessels need to be put out of service.

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Navy spokesperson Lt.-Cmdr. Jordan Holder said:

“The CAF is establishing a Canadian patrol submarine project to inform timely governmental decision-making about a potential replacement class of submarines, and avoid any gap in submarine capability. In order to enable timely decision-making at some future point regarding a replacement class of submarines and the avoidance of a gap in submarine capability, the CAF required a replacement project to be initiated this year.”

In 1998, Canada bought four second-hand submarines from Britain for $750 million. Ever since then the debate about submarines went on.

Although many support the creation of a new fleet, Australia’s recent experience suggests building a new fleet will be a costly endeavor. Australians purchased 12 French-designed submarines for more than $80 billion.

If Canada wants to establish a new submarine fleet it will need to have lots of money ready.