The Green Patrol serving the citizens of Montreal in order to adopt best environmental practices


From June to August 2019, 56 students aged 17 to 30 will meet citizens on the Island of Montreal in 15 boroughs and 5 affiliated cities in regard to the protection of the environment. They will notably promote the urban forest and inform the citizens about the fight against the emerald ash borer. Furthermore, they will inform the citizens concerning the responsible management of residual materials, encourage efficient and responsible consumption of potable water and promote sustainable stormwater management.

In order to fulfill their mandates, patrollers will benefit from the support of the various éco-quartiers and affiliated cities. The Green Patrol, coordinated by the Regroupement des éco-quartiers (REQ) for this 15th edition, will have, through awareness, education and participation in activities and a host of local events, to accompany and promote citizen involvement in favor of the environment, in support of programs developed by boroughs, affiliated cities and the City of Montreal. For a fourth year, patrollers will have the chance to benefit from BIXI bicycles to get around the city, thanks to a partnership between BIXI Montreal and REQ.

Simon Octeau, Executive Director of the REQ, is delighted with the launch of this new patrol which, “through the privileged meeting on the streets with Montrealers, contributes significantly to the adoption of good practices on a daily basis.”

The deployment of the Green Patrol is made possible by Canada Summer Jobs, fifteen boroughs, five related cities and the City of Montreal.


BIXI Montreal

BIXI Montreal is a non-profit organization created by the City of Montreal to manage the bike sharing system in Montreal. The network includes 7,250 bicycles and 600 stations in Montreal, as well as in Longueuil and Westmount.

Regroupement des éco-quartiers

The REQ is a network of actors strongly involved throughout Montreal. The 18 éco-quartiers affiliated with the REQ are the instigators of many projects concerning sustainable development, citizen involvement and environmental education. Involved in projects ranging from composting to drinking water saving to urban agriculture and awareness of the agile ash tree, the eco-quartiers serve annually 90% of the Montreal population in 15 of the 19 boroughs or more than 1.5 million citizens. To learn more about the Green Patrol, visit: