The City of Dorval is organizing its annual blood drive, in cooperation with Héma-Québec.

One thousand blood donations are needed every day in order to ensure an optimal reserve level, even during a pandemic. Héma-Québec is dealing with this situation and adapting its practices to make donating blood a safe experience that helps save lives.

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Many measures are being implemented at all collection sites, including access control at the sites by taking donors’ and volunteers’ temperature, additional sanitizing measures, and a revised organization of the collection logistics in order to respect the distancing measures.  

It is necessary to make an appointment before going to a drive by contacting 1 800 343-7264 or emailing b>

The blood drive will be held on Tuesday, October 27, between 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., at the Sarto-Desnoyers Community Centre located at 1335 Lakeshore Drive.

To verify your admissibility for a blood donation, please visit

Thank you for your generosity!