This year, the pandemic has led the Palliative Care Residence to revisit their annual event and create a new formula in the form of an in-home experience! They are thrilled to be partnering with the Forest & Stream Club for their gourmet dinner! For every gourmet basket purchased, participants will receive a three-course meal for two, wine to accompany the meal, and other delicacies, all beautifully packaged in a custom wine crate and delivered to your home on the day of the event. You’ll be invited to join a short, virtual online program that evening with entertainment, and of course, a toast! The wine auction will be going online as well, and will be open prior to the event.

$600 for a gourmet basket for two
Click here for online registration

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The auction is going virtual this year! For those who wish to donate bottles of wine for the auction, a tax receipt will be issued for the full value of the donation. Please contact Angela Kelley for more information.

Show your support
If you are unable to participate, there are other ways you can help us achieve our fundraising goal by making a donation or becoming a sponsor.
Click here to make a donation or become a sponsor

Thanks to everyone who has already supported this event. Because of you, the Residence is able to provide the highest standard of care, free of charge, to patients and families.


“We don’t add days to life, but we do add life to days.”

— Dale Weil, Executive Director of the Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence

Information: Angela Kelley 514 502-7348 or

Are you ready for the Neighbours For Neighbours Food Drive on Sat., Nov. 7th, 2020 from 9 am to 4 pm?