Taylor Tomlinson, renowned standup comedian, has ascended to the helm of CBS’s new late-night series, “After Midnight.” Acclaimed as the successor of “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” “After Midnight” graces the screens at 12:37 a.m. ET. This prestigious time frame was formerly operated by James Corden’s now concluded “The Late Late Show.”
With this role, Tomlinson carves out a significant niche for herself in the realm of late-night network television. As the sole female host, she joins a distinguished cohort, sharing the limelight with Stephen Colbert, NBC’s Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers, and ABC’s own Jimmy Kimmel.
The renowned comic, age 29, made her splashy announcement on Wednesday, sharing the platform with Colbert for the big reveal. “I’ve never had a real job … I’ve been doing standup since I was 16, which is not a job,” she humorously stated. Tomlinson, with two Netflix specials under her belt and in the process of concluding her triumphant “Have It All” tour across Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia, seems nothing short of ready for her new venture.
Before making the long-anticipated revelation, Colbert, who is to executive produce the new series, expressed his criteria for the ideal host, calling for someone “fun, likable, young, in touch with online trends and available every night of the week.” Fulfilling this, Colbert dialed Tomlinson the prior night & confirmed she was the candidate they had been seeking.
Gently ribbing about her age and the uncertainty of youth, Tomlinson affirmed, “I’m 29 so if you don’t know who I am, don’t worry. I barely know myself.” She also shared her imminent birthday plans, in response to which, Colbert humorously quipped, “Happy birthday, I got you a network show.”
Set to hit the airwaves in early 2024, “After Midnight,” as CBS delineated in their news release, draws its inspiration from the now-defunct “@midnight with Chris Hardwick.” A Comedy Central late-night favorite, this series wrapped its final performance in 2017, after a successful four-year stint.