Talk about it!


Have you signed your donor card? The city of Laval is partnering with Transplant Québec for national Organ and Tissue Donation week and is raising the green ribbon at city hall, a symbol of this important campaign by more than 100 cities across North America.

The more you talk about it, the better the chance of saving lives, all residents are asked to reflect on it and more importantly, discuss it with their loved ones.

There are three ways to signify your consent to donate:

Sign the consent to donation of organs and tissues form of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du

Québec which can be ordrerd by simply calling 1 800 561-9749;

You can sign the consent sticker to affix to the back of your Medicare Card;

Register your consent at the Quebec Chamber of notaries.

Last year 497 people benefited from a transplant in Quebec thanks to the generosity of 164 donors. Of this number, 2 Laval donors allowed 4 people to receive a transplant.

As of December 31, 2018, 805 persons were waiting for an organ in Quebec, including 51 in Laval.

For more information about organ and tissue donation, visit the Transplant Québec site at