In a serious turn of events on a typically tranquil Sunday evening, an alleged street race in Winnipeg spiralled out of control, resulting in a multi-car collision on Portage Avenue. The mishap, which has left two individuals bearing the brunt of it, led to the arrest and subsequent charging of two motorists suspected of partaking in the dangerous sport.
The unfortunate incident unfolded slightly post 8 p.m. near the junction of Portage Avenue and Sturgeon Road. The magnitude of the collision necessitated immediate medical assistance for two occupants of one vehicle who were rushed to the hospital in a critically unstable state. Another individual from the second car was also taken to the hospital as a safety measure. Later updates from the police shed a relieving note on their conditions as all have now been stabilised.
Upon further digging into the incident, it was revealed that the entire scenario had been triggered by a head-to-head race between a white Honda Civic and a black Volkswagen GTI, cruising west on Portage Avenue, with Sturgeon Road in their immediate sights. The point of collision was recorded when an eastbound blue Honda, oblivious to the unfolding race, attempted a northward turn onto Sturgeon Road, but was instead smacked by the racing white Honda Civic.
The gravity of the impact was apparent from the vehicles’ severe condition and Const. Jason Michalyshen, public information officer for the Winnipeg Police Service, underscored this by saying “It’s safe to say that these individuals were driving at a fairly high rate of speed when that impact occurred.”
Apart from being held accountable for the accident, both daredevil drivers are now in hot waters, facing charges under the Highway Traffic Act for careless driving and racing another vehicle. Furthermore, both vehicles involved in the incident have been seized and impounded by the police.
Regarding the tragic event’s timing, it coincided with Sunday Cruise Night, an event cherished by car enthusiasts across the city. Michalyshen lamented the fact that a small percentage of individuals used such occasions to make poor decisions, compromising public safety and overshadowing the true spirit of these gatherings.
He added that while in this instance the charges remained confined to the Highway Traffic Act, street racing could potentially swing into criminal jurisdiction. “There could be charges under the Criminal Code, where there’s potentially life-altering injuries, or we talk about fatalities,” he explained. This stern remark underscored the dark reality that such reckless acts can lead to dire repercussions beyond the immediate, often impacting one’s future profoundly.
In a bid to mitigate such incidents, the Winnipeg Police Service is urging members of the public to exercise restraint while driving. After the incident, vigilant authorities apprehended another vehicle hurtling at 127km/h in an 80km/h zone on Moray Street, reinforcing the need for such advice in the current climate.