West Island Mission is holding it’s annual Back to School Distribution, August 11th, 2018. They will be serving over 220 families this year which shows a significant increase from last year. From those families, there are 465 children between the ages of 5-17 years who will receive a new backpack with school supplies for the upcoming school year. As well as the supplies, families will receive fresh produce along with milk, bread & toiletry items to help them through this expensive time of year.
The Mission is seeking help from the community in the form of a program called “Sponsor a Backpack”. A donation of $20 can sponsor a backpack full of school supplies for one child ($40 for 2, $60 for 3, etc.)
Donations can be made online through their Website or special project giving page. As well, checks made out to West Island Mission can be mailed to the address below:
Website: www.wimmoi.org
Mailing address
PO Box 46539, RPO boul. St. Jean, Pierrefonds, QC H9H 5G9
For all financial donations over $20, tax receipts will be provided at the end of the year.
If you have any questions or would like to find out other ways to help out, please feel free to contact us them 514-912-6813.