Special Planning Program Information and discussion meeting to focus on residents’ vision for the future development of Valois Village


The City of Pointe-Claire, is pleased to invite residents to a participatory public meeting regarding the Special Planning Program (SPP) for Valois Village. The meeting, to be held on June 21 at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Church of the Resurrection at 99 Mount Pleasant Avenue, will focus on residents’ vision for this commercial core.

“This is an opportunity for residents to share their ideas for the improvement and development of Valois Village,” says Mayor Trudeau. “It’s a crucial stage that will enable our teams to draw an accurate and realistic picture of the situation today. On that basis, they will be able to make recommendations focusing on quality of life and sustainable development”.

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Valois Village covers the area along Donegani Avenue from Valois Park to Des Sources Boulevard and is one of the most distinctive parts of Pointe-Claire.

The first stage of the SPP process is to establish a diagnosis. Convercité is the firm selected to carry out the participatory initiative that will reach the community through surveys, phone calls, and discussion forums involving merchants, residents, community organizations, and any person interested in Valois Village. The process of gathering information began on May 24 and will continue until the end of June.

The public information meeting will feature a round table to ensure maximum possibilities for exchange. A designated person will lead each table with topics for discussion and reflection on the future of the neighbourhood and will invite participants to share their opinions on the topic.

“Everyone is invited to participate in this public meeting to share their opinions and help us develop an SPP that will improve the life environment for the benefit of our community,” concludes Mayor Trudeau.

Registration is required because spots are limited (514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca).