Special Planning Program for Pointe-Claire Village – A vision that honours the past, supports development in the present and provides inspiration for the future


 The City of Pointe-Claire is pleased to present the Pointe-Claire Village Special Planning Program adopted by City Council at its meeting on June 7. The SPP is a reference document to guide planning and sustainable development decisions for the future of Pointe-Claire’s historic core.

“It is a vision based on honouring the past, supporting present development and providing inspiration for the future,” explains Mayor Trudeau, “Over the next few years, it will help confirm that the Village is a favoured destination and a prosperous and attractive place to live, while preserving and promoting its unique heritage identity.”

The 2015-2019 Strategic Plan identifies Pointe-Claire Village as a significant strength and asset. The City’s Planning Program, adopted in 2011, indicates that this sector requires more detailed planning in order to preserve its appearance and heritage, its built fabric, its functional mix, and the variety and long-term health of its commercial activities.

Directions identified in the PPU are an overall vision. All actions and decisions that arise from them will consider the Village as a whole, including its quality of life, its heritage and its commercial activities. These make up a whole that is interwoven with values to be supported and developed.

“The major challenge we face is to make changes that will honour the Village’s past, support its development in the present, and ensure its future,” says the mayor. “We must all contribute to the Special Planning Program for Pointe-Claire Village in order to make this vision our reality.”