SharkNinja Vonlunteers Back Again by Popular Demand!


Celebrating Project IMPACT, SharkNinja’s expanded corporate philanthropy program, SharkNinja employees around the globe volunscreen-shot-2016-12-07-at-12-47-09-amteered their time, talents, and resources at local non-profit groups.

The annual volunteer activity was organized in the West Island at the company level by Rosanna D’Aiuto, in collaboration with Volunteer West Island’s Corporate Volunteer Recruitment Program.

Teams of enthusiastic SharkNinja employees volunteered at Moisson Montréal, Animatch, and Omega Community Resources, warmly welcomed by these non-profit community groups where they lent a hand. 

Animatch Canine Adoption Centre is staffed by a team of dedicated volunteers.  All dogs are socialized with humans, other dogs, and of course, the resident cat! Everyone was happy to see the SharkNinja volunteers!

Moisson Montreal, Canada’s largest food bank, gathers food donations and basic products all year long and distributes them to community organizations on the Island of Montreal.

Omega Community Resources, a non-profit community organization providing support and assistance to adults experiencing mental health problems, offers a diversity of programs and services at its three points of services, the Day Centre and two residential locations.screen-shot-2016-12-07-at-12-46-58-am

Christmas came early for Omega Community Resources in Dorval.  Dawn Bostock, Administrative Coordinator, described their experience of the partnership day with SharkNinja, “We had a blast!  And they donated a wonderful new blender for the center!”

Volunteer West Island

It’s about time…

…time to help others