A long-time resident of Senneville, Alison Hackney, has mandated a law firm, Colby Monet, to ask on her behalf to review its position and cancel or modify resolution 2020-03-194 adopted by the Council of this West-Island town concerning the proposed development in the LB Pearson forest “to prevent any work in it and to ensure the protection of the wetland found there”.

The Boisé Pearson project calls for the construction of 7 single-family detached homes in the densely-treed property. Several lots are already up for sale. The project’s developer submitted a request for the subdivision of the property on 27 February.

On 24 March 2020, the Council of Senneville approved the subdivision. The Town of Senneville states on its website that its ‘‘Planning Advisory Committee issued a favourable opinion to Council with recommendations including identification, protection and cutting of trees, management of runoff water and preservation of the wetland”.

‘‘The cadastral plan submitted by the developer ensures that construction work in this forest of high ecological value will simply make it impossible to preserve its wetlands”, says conservationist Alison Hackney. ‘‘That is why Council must cancel its resolution authorizing development in the L.B. Pearson forest and rezone the land for its preservation”.

The hereby-attached demand letter sent to Senneville mayor Julie Brisebois reminds her that construction work in the forest will not go ahead without a provincial permit from the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques and that Mrs. Hackney has the intention of challenging any such demand.

The demand letter states that failure by the Council of Senneville to review its 24 March resolution will lead to legal proceedings.

“The “mise-en demeure” received for the L.B. Pearson’s forest is in the hands of our lawyers and I will not be making any comments on it,” said Senneville Mayor, Julie Brisbois, stated in an email exchange with the West Island Blog.