Ron’s Real Estate Report – Comfort and Energy Savings


Ron's Real Estate Report energy saving

For comfort and energy savings

Have you considered the advantages of a Novoclimat certification when buying a new home? This certification enables you to assess the energy efficiency rating of your new home and ensure that it meets the high standards of Quebec’s Agence de l’efficacité énergétique (AEE) in matters of insulation, air, vapour,and water tightness, windows and ventilation.

Once a new home’s construction is enrolled in the program, the house is examined twice by an independent evaluator mandated by the AEE to conduct inspections. The first inspection, which takes place before the drywall is installed, consists of the blower door test to ensure that the house is airtight. During the second inspection, which takes place once construction work has been completed, the evaluator verifies the airflow rate and confirms that your ventilation system is properly calibrated for maximum comfort.

In addition to the assurance of a well insulated, watertight and well ventilated home, your house will have a longer life, be more comfortable and contribute to the well-being of its occupants all at a low energy-saving cost.

A house built according to Novoclimat certification standards costs on average 4% to 6% more than a house that is not certified. It should be noted that the certification and inspections are free of charge; the additional costs come from the building materials and installation techniques used.

Who is eligible for Novoclimat certification? Anyone who wishes to purchase a new single-family, semi-detached or row house (townhouse) is eligible as long as the construction has been done by a contractor who is accredited by the AEE. For more information, visit the AEE’s website at .

Ron Massad can be reached at