Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes) new website and Facebook page are now online! The community now has a wonderful bilingual website to raise awareness about the organization, which will be the first resource of its kind on the territory of the West Island to provide housing services for young adults who are homeless or living in an unstable environment.
The website is divided into 6 categories:
• About: Portrait of West Island homelessness and proposed solutions, and team presentation;
• Mission: Mission, goals and vision of the organization;
• Services: List of services that will be offered to future tenants;
• Media : Links to various articles about Ricochet;
• Events : lists of events (past and future) surrounding activities or fundraisers;
• Contact : box to leave a message so that with one click, the visitor can contact Ricochet.
On each page, contextual information and photos will make better known this beautiful initiative, formerly called AJOIH. Internet users will now be able to easily access the organization’s resources.
A community dinner will be held on May 10th at La Petite Adresse under the theme ” Sheltering Our Youth, One Brick at a Time ” in order to raise funds for the organization.