Repeated Vandal Attacks Plague Y Drive, Local Taxi Company Denies Involvement


The innovative ride-sharing service, Y Drive, has become the target of repeated vandal attacks over the past month, with as many as six instances of damage to the company’s vehicles reported. Cars have been discovered with smashed windshields, confirming that these acts are not accidental but malicious in nature.

The General Manager of Y Drive, Chance Chapadeau, recalled a disturbing morning discovery, “We were met with the sight of a shattered windshield in one of our operative’s cars. The rocks that caused the damage were left recklessly scattered around the vehicle, further emphasizing the intentional nature of this act. Such a destruction deemed the car useless for our driver.”

In relation to one accountable act caught on camera last week, a man of 33 from Huntsville has been held responsible and charged with mischief totalling over $5,000, as disclosed by the provincial police. Dana Morris, a Constable at OPP, reinforced the seriousness with which the company is handling such incidents, “Identification of the offender from the most recent act of vandalism was made feasible due to the installation of security cameras by Y Drive.”

Y Drive, having relocated to Huntsville just a year ago, has found itself embroiled in an online banter with a local company, Independent Taxi. Chapadeau noted, “Healthy competition, more often than not, adds value to small-town markets. But in our case, things took a negative turn. The initial light-hearted chatter has escalated into hostile rhetoric.”

It has come to light that the accused man is associated with the owner of Independent Taxi. However, the owner vehemently denies any involvement, stating, “I empathize with Y Drive. I have been in the business for 17 years, and I’ve seen struggles of my own, even having to replace my entire fleet twice in the first two years. But I assure you, Independent Taxi has absolutely no part to play in the misfortune that Y Drive is experiencing.”

The provincial police further iterated that the current acts of sabotage upon Y Drive’s parked vehicles commenced as early as Sept. 18. The case remains under investigation.