Remote First Nation Communitu in B.C celebrates the Arrival of Clean water


For over two decades, the people of Lhoosk’uz Dene community have been using bottled water. However, recently, they had tap water connected, thanks to the efforts of experts from the University of British Columbia.

the community held a special event to celebrate the milestone.

It is a development that the community’s chief, Liliane Sqinas, notes took them many years to reach.

The team from the UBC collaborated with members of the community to ensure that the water system that runs the tap water can be maintained locally without the need for specialized equipment of knowledge.

Going forward, the new system will replace communal wells that the community had used for many years to serve their needs. They have been tracking water via the road that is also used for logging to and out of the village. the interior nature of the first nation, about 200 km to the west of Quesnel, made it thing complication before the new system came.
The system that UBC experts installed filters water using ultra-violet rays then a dose of chlorine.

Dr. Majid Hohseni, an expert in biological and chemical engineering, was in charge of the team. He noted that the technology driving the tap water system isn’t as important as how the process was designed.

He added that in the case of the Lhoosk’uz community, their voice was heard and that they were involved right from the start, so they tailored this system to their specific needs.

in the case of this community, their needs include good-tasting, safe drinking water at a measure that means the size of the community, and can be repaired locally.