Quebec Says All Healthcare Worker Must Be Immunized, Mask Mandate To Apply In All Post-Secondary Institutions


Quebec’s Premier Francois Legault said Tuesday the government will make it mandatory for all health workers to be immunized, although educators are exempt for now.

During a recent press briefing, the premier stated that all private and public sector employees in healthcare who interact with the public for at least 15 minutes will be required to be fully immunized by the 1st of October. Close to 90 percent of healthcare workers are immunized, Legault said.

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The premier also stated that all students in the CEGEPs and Universities will be expected to have their masks on while in class, and not just in the common areas.

Starting next week, parliament will debate mandatory immunization for other groups of public workers, including teachers.

As of last Tuesday, about 74 percent of those eligible for immunization in Quebec have received both doses, but authorities said that a target of 90 to 95 percent is achievable.

There was no news on immunization passports that Quebec is currently testing through a number of pilot projects. The passports will be mandatory for those seeking admittance to restaurants, gyms and bars starting the 1st of September.