A quartet of accused, comprising three men and a woman, face charges following a meticulous two-month probe into drug trafficking in the city of Regina. The diligent efforts of Regina Police Service’s Street Gang Unit culminated in the operation’s inaugural arrest at 3 p.m. on August 25th, ignited by a routine traffic stop.
Upon inspection of the suspect’s vehicle, law enforcement discovered a lethal trio – a loaded firearm, a cache of illicit narcotics, and an impressive stack of currency amounting to over $16,000.
Subsequently, at approximately 6:15 p.m., the solitary female suspect found herself detained at a residence located on the 2600 block of 5th Avenue. Once again, a search revealed further contraband drugs and cash adding more weight to the mounting evidence.
As the day turned into night, at 9:45 p.m. precisely, the men and women of the SGU, in conjunction with patrol officers, carried out their third and fourth arrests. On the 2000 block of McDonald Street, two men were apprehended and their search led to another windfall for the police. Two firearms, ammunition, a huge haul of 850 grams of methamphetamine, 47 grams of a substance suspected to be MDMA, 48 grams of cocaine, and a sum of Canadian currency were found.
These arrests led to the charging of three Regina men, ranging in ages from 32 to 41, alongside a 35-year-old Regina woman. They all now face varied trafficking charges, with two of the men levied with additional firearms charges in the aftermath of this significant operation.