Parks Canada is seeking the public’s help to understand lake trout decline at Kingsmere Lake


Parks Canada hopes to find out more about the state of the fisheries and the health of the species at Prince Albert National Park. It has turned out that there is a 45 percent decline in the lake trout population at Kingsmere Lake.

In order to find out why is this happening, Parks Canada has asked the public for help.

Their release states:

“When you return your completed endorsement cards or unused tags to the Visitor Centre or a collection box, this data is analyzed and provides estimates of the total fish harvest for the season.”

Heather Mariash, an aquatic ecologist, said that every change in the environment has a great effect on trout in the lake. Because of that, trout serve as indicators of water quality and the lake’s overall wellness.

She suspects that fishing is killing trout at Kingsmere Lake.

Mariash added:

“We were looking at fishing pressure and fishing licenses and how many people are using their licenses. We have day use as well as annual passes and they are good for all lakes.”

Mariash said that it would be wise for the park to limit the use of trout pegs in order to protect the species.

She concluded:

“We have to still look at what the lake currently has and what fishing pressure it can handle.”