April 14, 2020
Message from the Formation Continue et Service Aux entreprises – Cégep Gérald-Godin
“Following the launch of the “Programme actions concertées pour le maintien en emploi (PACME) ” by the Quebec government on April 6, Cégep Gérald-Godin‘s Services aux entreprises (SAE) are responding to the call and are now offering several distance learning. The aim of these training courses is to meet the development needs of businesses in the region, the latter having been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are delighted by this important initiative which supports Quebec businesses and wish to contribute by offering reliable, practical and safe solutions,” applauds Ms. Valérie Gosselin, Director of Continuing Education and Business Services at Cégep Gérald-Godin.
The training eligible for the program offered by the Cégep Gérald-Godin SAEs targets digital skills related to teleworking, good practices related to health issues, organizational communication and the improvement of know-how. Cégep Gérald-Godin has expertise in safety as well as in pharmaceuticals and can adapt these training courses to the reality of companies working in these fields. The trainers also specialize in administration, management and accounting, office automation, French, IT and information management.
Remember that PACME was set up to give companies a breath of fresh air by giving them grants to cover the costs of activities associated with skills development. The Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region, Mr. Jean Boulet, has announced the allocation of $ 100 million for the implementation of the program created in collaboration with the Commission for labor market partners. PACME is already in effect and will expire on September 30, 2020.”