In a concerning turn of events, police in Ottawa are raising the alarm about a perceived escalation in impaired driving in the city. The disclosure, which came via the social media outlet formerly referred to as Twitter, revealed that 23 drivers were recently brought up on charges of impaired driving within the span of a week.
A startling detail shared by the police was that out of these charges, nine stemmed from collisions that resulted in serious injuries. In a shocking example of reckless conduct, one of the accused drivers was found to have a blood alcohol content, or BAC, four times above the legal limit.
The year’s statistics paint an alarming picture. 613 drivers have already been charged with impaired driving, a notable increase when compared to 2022’s annual tally of 535.
Speaking to the severity of the issue, Sgt. Amy Gagnon expressed deep concern over the steady rise in impaired driving charges. She stressed that the surge points to a larger problem – countless impaired drivers who avoid detection and continue to pose significant risk to everyone on the roads.
Further complicating the situation is the shift in the timings of these offenses. There was a time when impaired driving was mainly an issue during the evening and early hours. However, recent patterns indicate drivers being charged for impaired driving at various times throughout the day – even during peak school drop-off and pick-up hours.
Addressing this rampant issue, Sgt. Gagnon emphasized that impaired driving is entirely preventable. She urged drivers to remember that driving is not a right, but a privilege that should be taken seriously. She made a stern appeal to all to refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel, insisting on the responsibility of every road user to drive sober.