Throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic, NOVA West Island‘s nurses continue to work out on the front lines in our community caring for cancer, ALS and palliative patients. The Thrift Shops for NOVA are closed but the nursing staff is still providing care, support and services.

For more information, please view the following video by Maxine Lybert, one of NOVA West Island’s nurses who explains their reality during these uncertain times.

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Message from NOVA West Island:

“To our community,

We look forward to seeing you again and know that we are here for you!

While much of the world has stopped, our primary mandate of providing cancer, ALS and palliative in-home nursing care as well as driving our clients to essential oncology treatments cannot be put on hold.

To reduce the risk of spread, our nurses limit the number of visits to opening and following urgent cases to maintain the essential services. They have therefore replaced some visits with phone calls to break the solitude, evaluate and reassure our clients. We also recruited an additional 14 volunteer drivers to replace our regular drivers over 70 years old who stay at home.

It is important for you to know that our financial concerns have led to a reduction in the hours of our health care professionals.

The Thrift Shops for NOVA, our main source of revenue (40%), have been closed since March 14th until further notice and our fundraising activities have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely. We are therefore significantly affected by this crisis resulting in less funds, volunteers and services.

There is a positive reality that no pandemic can change; NOVA West Island still takes care of its community and our donors believe in our mission to make it a reality.

In this time of need, we are counting on you to be passionate about supporting us.

Thank you for MAKING A DONATION so that we can continue our work for another century!”