New Signs Are Marking Communities With Their Mi’kmaw Names On P.E.I.


P.E.I. is celebrating its Indigenous heritage by placing signs that mark communities with their Mi’kmaw names. During the Aboriginal Awareness Week, May 25-28, 10 signs were placed in several different locations.

Abegweit First Nation Chief Junior Gould stated:

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“By including the rich history of the Mi’kmaq into P.E.I.’s culture and landscapes, we are recognizing a very important part of this Island’s heritage. We are all treaty people. This history belongs to all Islanders.”

The signs with Mi’kmaw names have been placed in Bedeque (Eptek), Cape Egmont (Mntuapskuk), Kensington (Kataqanek), Mill River (Atoqwa’sue’kaqn), Orwell (Mewisitek), Rice Point (Suomane’katik), Point Prim (Wejuowitk), Murray Harbour (Eskwatek), Montague (Mente’ken), and Souris (Sqoljwe’katik).

Lennox Island First Nation Chief Darlene Bernard said:

“Through sharing these Mi’kmaq place names, our goal is to include Mi’kmaq culture in the province’s greater cultural identity. This week is an opportunity to improve all Islanders’ understanding of the Mi’kmaq, shared provincial history and our relationship as treaty people.”

The news release said:

“Unlike many English language place names that have been transposed from locations in other countries or named after people, the Mi’kmaq names are rooted in a description of that specific location or highlight activities that would take place there.”