Prominent personality from Netflix’s “Tiger King”, Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, met with a legal storm when he was indicted on wildlife trafficking charges following an investigation led by Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. Adding a further layer of infamy to the eccentric reputation he attained in the Netflix documentary, Antle, the overseer of his privately owned zoo, the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina, was notably irate over his depiction in the popular series.
Thus far, Antle has spent his career advocating for the welfare of larger felines and other species. He has asserted his integrity, claiming a deep affection for the creatures under his care, vehemently denying any accusations of maltreatment or abuse. To clear the cloud over his reputation, Antle eagerly awaits the opportunity to address these damning allegations.
The intricate investigation web expands to include Keith Wilson, operator of Wilson’s Wild Animal Park in Virginia. Both Antle and Wilson are suspected to have been involved in illegal lion cub trafficking activity between their resident states of South Carolina and Virginia. A disquieting revelation of the investigatory operation was the discovery of 119 animals, including tigers, bears, camels, and water buffalo, confined in subpar conditions at Wilson’s park when a search warrant was implemented in August 2019.
An indictment on 46 counts of animal cruelty was delivered to Wilson and his nephew in Frederick County, where his park is located. The trial proceedings have been scheduled for June 21-25, 2021. Wilson’s representation is provided by the Cavalry Group, a company advocating for animal owners and private property rights.
Cavalry Group President, Mindy Patterson, insists on Wilson’s innocence, claiming his reputation will be restored when he reclaims his day in court. Meanwhile, the investigation found its path to South Carolina, with a warrant executed on Antle’s property. His daughters, Tawny Antle and Tilakam Watterson, were also charged with misdemeanor counts of cruelty to animals and violations against the Endangered Species Act. Both daughters, according to Antle, are without legal representation.
Marking a stark disagreement with the popular opinion following the airing of Tiger King, Antle responded to the allegations by expressing a deep-seated disappointment, accusing the State of Virginia of launching a baseless assault on his lifelong commitment to animal welfare. He alleged that his name and reputation were being smeared to appease animal rights activists holding sway over elected officials responsible for these charges and the subsequent indictment.
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