by Rhonda Massad
The Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (IUHSSC) shared their progress since the 2015 integration of health and social services with more than a 150 people at the Sarto Des Noyer Cultural Centre in Dorval on January 13.
The main goal of integrating 170 institutions of the Quebec’s health and social services network into to 13 integrated health and social services centres (IHSSC) and nine integrated university health and social services centres (IUHSSC) was to improve access to and fluidity of care and services to a region representing more than 370,000 residents.
Several presentations were made, includingPresident and Director General of CIUSSS, Benoit Morin, that highlighted the CIUSSS action plan to continue to improve patient care and services coordination in the emergency room and across CIUSSS.
“People need to register their negative experiences online so we can see where and how to improve our services,” Morin stated during question period. “We are looking into new technologies such as paging device allowing less critical injuries to remain at home until they are called to see the ER doctor that have been proven useful in the private sector. We are also looking into using Skype as a triage possibility.”
To make a complaint contact the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner of the Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre, Sarah-Beth Trudeau. According to the website, complaints are processed and answers are received within 45 days of the complaint.
The number to call is 1-844-630-5125 or send an email to
Family Doctor?
Those that were having trouble finding a family doctor were referred to a link made available by CIUSSS making it possible for anyone to complete an online registration at Guichet d’accès aux médecins de famille (GAMF) www.gamf.gouv.qc.ca . When filling out the online registration be sure to have your health insurance card and postal code on hand.
To find a family doctor: https://www.ciusss-ouestmtl.gouv.qc.ca/en/quick-links/looking-for-a-family-doctor/
Should you need assistance filling out the complaint The Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (CAAP or complaint assistance and support centres) in your region can help you. The CAAP is a regional community organization mandated by the Minister of Health and Social Services. Its services are free and confidential. Call the following toll-free number: 1-877-767-2227.