In a series of unsettling events, a man, found completely naked, allegedly grappled with an officer from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department late Tuesday night before absconding in the officer’s police vehicle. The suspect, 29-year-old Clyde Cabulisan of Las Vegas, commandeered the Metro’s Ford F-150 and made a frenzied escape from the scene. In due course, he caused a severe automobile wreck, sustaining injuries and leaving two others in critical condition.
The chain of events commenced around 11:15 p.m., in the vicinity of Blue Diamond Road and Buffalo Drive, in the unincorporated territory of Enterprise, Nevada. Law enforcement had been alerted to a naked male wandering the streets when the first officer to respond to the call discovered Cabulisan. The situation rapidly escalated into a physical altercation, in the course of which the officer was knocked to the pavement. Seizing this opportunity, Cabulisan quickly commandeered the unattended police vehicle.
The heading of the stolen vehicle was northbound on Rainbow Boulevard. An immediate distress call was made by the responding officer, reporting the theft of the police vehicle. In response, various Metro units embarked on a pursuit that spanned over five miles.
In what ended as a critical incident, Cabulisan recklessly ran into oncoming traffic and then negligently drove through a red light at Hacienda Avenue. His stolen vehicle collided with a Ford Explorer driven by a private citizen. The functioning chaos resulted in the 34-year-old female driver and her 43-year-old male passenger sustaining critical injuries from the collision, which took place in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Both victims were urgently ferried to University Medical Center for immediate medical attention. Updates on their medical conditions are not currently available.
Simultaneously, Cabulisan also suffered from injuries and was transported to the University Medical Center for necessary treatment. The first officer who had interacted with him had minor physical injuries.
In a sliver of this chaotic reality captured on a mobile phone by a passerby named Kyle Even, the struggle between the officer and the naked man could clearly be seen. He later posted this footage online.
According to online jail records, on Wednesday Cabulisan was charged with a slew of crimes in Clark County Detention Center. Charges put forth against him include robbery, disobeying a peace officer while endangering people/property, grand larceny of a motor vehicle, and the assault of a protected person.
Cabulisan, whose aggressive actions created havoc on the streets of Las Vegas, was reportedly “possibly experiencing a mental health crisis,” according to police sources on a Las Vegas TV station. His court appearance will be held on Thursday.