Memorial University president Vianne Timmons said that she is willing to talk about the tuition freeze. Memorial University is open to discussing the proposed lift of the tuition freeze for post-secondary institutions in Newfoundland and Labrador. The proposed lift of the tuition freeze focuses on the state of higher education in the province. It contains 84 recommendations created by an independent committee appointed by the provincial government two years ago.
Timmons talked to news, stating that Memorial University is dedicated to upholding the principles of education:
“We see the importance of looking at revenue for the university, but we have some principles that we’ll always keep in mind. We want the university’s education to be accessible. We want to make sure that our Newfoundland and Labrador students are supported and have supports in place so that it’s not undue hardship for them financially.”
She also said that for now, there are no plans to make any changes to tuition for the fall. The tuition in the province is the lowest of any other in the country. Full-time undergraduate students from Newfoundland and Labrador are paying $2,550 per year if studying at Memorial University.
Timmons added that, even if tuition becomes more expensive, students currently enrolled will not be paying the extra cost.
She concluded:
“There will be no student who is presently enrolled in Memorial that will be compromised.”