Moving day anxiety? We can help get you prepared for moving madness on July 1


The art of moving: it needs to be planned!

Staples Canada teams up with lifestyle expert to offer advice to Quebecers for Moving Day

Moving Day madness in Quebec on July 1 is fast approaching and it is time for those who are making the move to start planning for the undertaking. Whether it is a home or small business, both need to be pre-planned to avoid common mishaps from happening on the big day, like a no-show moving company or rushing to the store to pick up supplies last minute.


To help Quebecers prepare for their moves, Staples has teamed up with Montreal lifestyle expert and blogger Vanessa Sicotte, of Damask & Dentelle, for a series of videos that offer expert tips and advice on how to make those July 1 moves a breeze.


“Preparation is one of the keys to success during a move and so using a store, like Staples, that has everything you need under one roof, is an element that will make it a little less stressful,” said Sicotte.


Some high-level bits of advice from Sicotte include:


Why move what you don’t need anymore?

Before the packing process starts, Sicotte suggests conducting an inventory of the stuff you don’t need or want anymore. Assign one box for each room of your house and start filling it with the items you wish to throw away or donate. This will save some much-needed space in that moving van and will keep you from bringing unnecessary clutter into your new space.


Do your part to help the environment by recycling what you can, and remember that stores like Staples can help as its retail locations accept for recycling a number of items, including everything from pens to ink cartridges, as well as electronics, like old cellular phones, printers and computers.


Make sure that you have the right supplies

Moving is all about boxes: big ones, little ones, sturdy or basic, plastic or cardboard. When selecting boxes think through your needs; for example, glassware will require a sturdy box. Having handles will also make carrying heavier or bigger boxes and prevent mishaps from happening. If you plan to store some of your things in the basement, consider plastic boxes or bins to help protect the contents from water or humidity. Once you have the boxes selected, don’t forget the tape and the tape dispensers – a must for efficiency purposes.West Island Blog, West Island News, Rhonda Massad, Moving Day, July 1, Canada, Montreal, Moving Madness


Use a list… and check it twice

Using a checklist can help keep you on track for a variety of things: items that you need to buy in advance to help with packing, reserving a mover or a truck well ahead of time, noting your change of address with the post office, and so much more. Sicotte recommends that you should start planning your move at least four weeks in advance.


Moving a small business requires the same level of planning as for a home move, if not more!

Similar to a home move, but in a small business move you are likely moving much bigger pieces and lots of electronic devices. This is a good time to ensure you have the right furniture for the right spaces, and the necessary chairs for all – they are on the front line of productivity for your business after all. If you want to take care of the environment, this is also a good time to recycle obsolete equipment, like pens, ink cartridges, phones, printers, phones and computers. Staples stores collect and recycle all of these things for you.


These videos from Sicotte and additional resources from Staples for Moving Day can be found our

You Tube page.


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About Staples Canada/Bureau en Gros

Staples Canada/Bureau en Gros makes it easy to make more happen with more products and more ways to shop. Through its world-class retail, online and delivery capabilities, Staples lets customers shop however and whenever they want, whether it’s in-store, online, on mobile devices, or through the company’s innovative buy online, pick up in store option. Staples offers more products than ever, such as technology, facilities and breakroom supplies, furniture, safety supplies, medical supplies, and Copy and Print services. Consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top ten companies in Marketing Magazine’s Marketing/Leger Corporate Reputation Survey, Staples/Bureau en Gros is dedicated to offering customers the highest level of service. Staples Canada/Bureau en Gros also is invested in a number of corporate giving programs that actively support environmental, educational and entrepreneurial initiatives in Canadian communities from coast to coast.