By Rhonda Massad
Montreal is asking your opinion in an online survey on the city’s ability to deal with stresses and crises and then rebound from said situations.
According to the survey, the poll is designed to gather the perceptions of those who live or often spend time in Montréal, regardless of their knowledge of resilience or their experience with such situations.
The information gathered will be used by Montreal’s resiliency office for planning purposes only, and all information will remain confidential.
The ten question survey asks the usual information such as language preference, age, municipality or borough you reside in, your age and whether you own or rent your home.
The unique questions are geared to the understanding of emergency preparedness. They include; On a 1 to 10 scale, how resilient do you think Montréal is ? 1 means “poor resilience” and 10 means “excellent resilience.”
The matters of concern are infrastructure management, sewage, water supply, speed at which public is alerted in an emergency and dependability of the public transit system in an emergency.
The survey promises to take five minutes to complete.
To complete the survey you can find it at