The regions of Montréal, Chaudière-Appalaches and the Capitale-Nationale should go to the orange alert level as of today, September 20th, 2020 due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.

The official announcement should be made this afternoon in Montreal by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé. He will be accompanied by the National Director of Public Health, Dr. Horacio Arruda and the Deputy Strategic Advisor to the General Directorate of Public Health, Dr. Éric Litvak.

Currently, Quebec has eight regions at the yellow pre-alert level.

The third level provides for the closure of bars and restaurant dining rooms.

New restrictions would also affect public gatherings which are expected to drop from 250 to 50 people. Private gatherings would also be affected and the maximum number of people would drop from 10 to 6.

Yesterday, Montreal reported 128 new cases of COVID-19, Chaudière-Appalaches 36 and Capitale-Nationale 60.


Bas-Saint-Laurent: YELLOW level pre-alert

Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: GREEN vigilance level

Capitale-Nationale: YELLOW level pre-alert

Mauricie-et-Center-du-Québec: GREEN vigilance level

Estrie: YELLOW level pre-alert

Montreal: YELLOW level pre-alert

Outaouais: YELLOW level pre-alert

Abitibi-Témiscamingue: GREEN vigilance level

Côte-Nord: GREEN vigilance level

Nord-du-Québec: GREEN vigilance level

Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine: GREEN vigilance level

Chaudière-Appalaches: YELLOW level pre-alert

Laval: YELLOW level pre-alert

Lanaudière: GREEN vigilance level

Laurentians: GREEN vigilance level

Montérégie: YELLOW level pre-alert

Nunavik: GREEN level vigilance

Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James: GREEN vigilance level

Four levels have been established by the Government of Quebec to qualify the 18 regions of the province:

Image Source: Gouvernement du Québec, 2020. PROGRESSIVE 4-LEVEL

Level 1–Vigilance

Level 1–Vigilance requires constant attention amid the COVID 19 pandemic. This level corresponds to weak community spread and requires that all dictated basic measures are followed in all settings (physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, hand-washing, etc.). Other measures may also apply for specific activities and settings.

Level 2–Early Warning

Level 2–Early Warning is required as soon as transmission of the virus starts to grow. The basic measures will be strengthened and further action taken to promote and encourage compliance. For example, there could be more inspections and greater crowd control in various venues to facilitate physical distancing.

Level 3–Moderate Alert

Level 3–Alert introduces new measures that target specific sectors of activity and settings where the risk of transmission is deemed higher. These sectors and settings will be subject to selective restrictions, prohibitions and closures.

Per Radio-Canada, Expected Restrictions to Include:

  • Reducing the maximum number of people allowed at a private gathering from 10 to six.
  • Reducing the maximum number of people allowed per restaurant table from 10 to six.
  • Requiring bars to stop serving alcohol earlier than midnight.
  • Gatherings in indoor and outdoor public places are also expected to be limited to 50, as opposed to 250 people – with certain exceptions that will be expanded upon.

Level 4–Maximum Alert

Level 4–Maximum Alert includes targeted and additional more restrictive measures that could extend to prohibiting non-essential activities in situations where risk cannot be sufficiently contained, while avoiding the generalized confinement that was experienced during the first wave of the pandemic as much as possible.

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