An atrocious incident in Melbourne has seen a teenager confess his involvement in a gruesome assault at a train station that tragically claimed the life of schoolboy Pasawm Lyhym.
Ngor Dao, an 18-year-old youth, entered a guilty plea to affray and intentional injury charges in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court. Nevertheless, he refrained from entering a plea for a remaining charge concerning the usage of a forbidden weapon, specifically a machete, in public territory.
Hailing from Burnside Heights, situated in the outer northwest of Melbourne, the young man appeared via a video link, where he articulated a succinct “yes I do, Your Honour, guilty” in response to the query regarding his preferred plea.
The specifics of Dao’s contribution in the tragic episode were not divulged during the concise court proceeding.
Dao represents one of the four males held accountable for the criminal act, and he is the solitary figure legal identification is permitted for. The incident saw the unfortunate 16-year-old Pasawm being fatally stabbed in the vicinity of the Sunshine Station in Melbourne’s west on May 18.
Although Dao is held responsible for his contribution to the incident, he is not directly blamed for Pasawm’s death. The remaining trio accused are all under 18 and will continue to face the legal consequences within the jurisdiction of the Children’s Court.
Originally, Dao was accused of endangering an individual’s life by manipulating a machete recklessly, a charge that was subsequently dismissed by the prosecution.
Pasawm, who studied in the 11th grade at Staughton College, was savagely accosted around 3.45pm while in the company of his friends.
Awaiting his subsequent court appearance scheduled in the following year, Dao’s bail terms were extended by the court.