In the heart of Chateauguay, on Montreal’s South Shore, a substantial conflagration has ignited within an apartment complex. The municipal authorities of Chateauguay have alerted the community that the flames are currently being combated by emergency services acting swiftly on scene.
The building, located at 39 Saint-Hubert St., houses 32 apartment units which have all been hastily evacuated, with city administration affirming that residents are now seeking temporary refuge at Mary Gardner School. Encouragingly, there have been no reports of injuries and all residents were safely removed from the property, although one individual necessitated rescue.
As explained by Chateauguay’s Mayor Eric Allard, the genesis of the fire can be traced back to a barbecue on either the second or third floor of the apartment complex. The flames escalated, making their way toward the roof of the building.
In an effort to manage the situation and prioritize safety, access to the immediate vicinity of the fire has been temporarily denied. The authorities continue to work ceaselessly to contain the fire and ensure the well-being of all affected.