The heat is on! This time of year begs for lighter nourishment and luckily, fresh from the garden or farm varieties are available and great options.
Sunshiny garden vegetables make us healthier and happier?
The people who live the longest healthiest lives in the world consume more vegetables during the daily meals they enjoy with family and friends. Their window to do so may be larger than ours with access to a warmer climate and that is precisely why we have to take full advantage of our summer weeks while the sunbeams and markets are brimming with colourful seasonal offerings just begging to be savoured. Summertime is a great time for minimalist cooking while maximizing nutrition and fun. It is when we can catch up with fresh food, family, and great friends.
Tabouleh salad in the sun
1 cup cooked bulgur wheat (or whole wheat couscous)
1 chopped curly parsley
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
3-4 plum tomatoes, diced
1/2 red onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
Juice of 1 small lemon
- all its zest
Salt and pepper to taste
Health tip: did you know that parsley is considered a “superfood” and has an amazing amount of vitamin C? It is not just a decoration on your plate, it is a powerhouse worthy of taking over your salad!
To get one-on-one nutritional counselling, help with family meal planning, or just join amazing educational and cooking lessons in the West Island, please message me.
Wishing you the best of health,