As part of their environmental responsibility targets, LEGO aims to find an ecologically sustainable alternative to the plastic resin (ABS) currently used for the manufacture of their toy bricks. The company has set a target to manufacture new eco-friendly bricks by 2030.
LEGO has been making toys since 1932, where the founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen began
making wooden toys. The company started manufacturing the iconic interlocking blocks in 1949 and currently, the annual manufacturing figure stands at 60 billion blocks.
“Our mission is to make all LEGO® bricks sustainably by 2030. Why? Because being sustainable is good for the planet,” is stated on the companies website. “We want to make bricks out of things that we can grow again or are recycled. This is not easy as we want sustainable LEGO bricks to have the same high quality that you are used to, but what we know is this: big ideas may start small, but they will help us build a greener planet one brick at a time.”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The LEGO Group, wants to play their part and make a positive impact on society and the planet, which our children will inherit, and it is this focus on future generations that drives our work.
“We believe we have a responsibility to minimize the environmental impact of our operations. However for us, minimizing is not enough, we want to aim for zero environmental impact on the planet.”
The LEGO Group aims to send zero waste to landfill by 2025, and in 2018 recycled 93% of all waste from their operations. Additionally, 100% of all plastic waste produced during the moulding of LEGO® bricks was recycled. This includes reusing some of the plastic resin in the processes, as well as sending some of the waste to suppliers to be recycled and turned into other plastic products.