In a press conference this evening François Legault, Premier Ministre du Québec, announced additional measures to further flatten the COVID-19 curve and lessen the stress on Quebec’s healthcare system. The highlighted interventions include an extension of the 28-day period of increased restrictions for another 4 weeks and changes to the schedule for secondary schools in red zones.

“The efforts that we have made since October have brought us to a plateau,” said Premier Legault. “Thanks to the efforts of Quebecers… we have managed to stabilize this.”

“With 800-1000 of new cases per day, there is a problem in society at large… We have to make efforts for a further 4 weeks until November 23,” admitted Legault.

“If we see a sustained drop, we will be able to decrease some of our restrictions a bit earlier on, but for now just go to work and go to school. That’s it,” added Premier Legault.

Public health directors will review the situation in 2 weeks to see if it’s possible to lift some restrictions. This is only possible if we see a sustained drop in the specified indicators, such as a decrease in hospitalizations, decreased number of cases, decreased number of outbreaks, and decreased number of deaths related to COVID-19.

Employers are highly encouraged to continue and/or switch to remote work wherever possible.

There will be increased inspections and sanctions imposed to increase compliance with fines and a possibility of closure if the situation persists.

Legault announced that 891 classes are currently closed, which means that 97% of students are still attending school. He added that high school students are more likely to transmit the virus than younger children.

For this reason, secondary III students in red zones will be joining the ranks of Secondary IV and V students who have been attending in-person classes every other day since October 8th, 2020. The new hybrid schedule for students in grade 9 will go into effect on November 2nd. This formula of alternately offering both classroom instruction and distance education to continue learning intends to reduce the number of students in schools at any given time.

Students with specialized education plans or who attend specialized classes may still be able to attend school in-person to better suit their needs.

Sports and extracurricular activities will not yet be resumed.

As of now, gyms, bars, dining rooms, cinemas, theaters, and performance halls are to remain closed until further notice. The government-provided aid programs will continue through this period of closure as well.

The premier reinforced that fines will be distributed to any gyms who open as of Thursday – patrons who attend these gyms may be fined as well.

“I need you, Quebecers, people who are alone that you know, go see them. If you see that there are people who have mental health problems please encourage them to call 811,” pleaded Legault.


The Situation in Quebec as of October 26, 2020, 11 a.m.

Total confirmed cases
100 922 (+ 808)

Total hospitalizations
543 (- 8)

Total deaths
6,153 (+ 10)

Summary table of data evolution

Dated Confirmed cases Death (1) Hospitalizations Intensive care hospitalizations Samples taken
October 19, 2020 877 18 565 (+33) 100 (+8) 21,902
October 20, 2020 1,072 10 565 94 (-6) 26,070
October 21, 2020 1,033 17 553 (-12) 101 (+7) 27,183
October 22, 2020 905 16 540 (-13) 99 (-2) 26 542
October 23, 2020 1,009 10 549 (+9) 93 (-6) 25,378
October 24, 2020 879 10 551 (+2) 97 (+4) 19 549
October 25, 2020 808 2 543 (-8) 93 (-4) ND


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