The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators has launched the campaign Leave the Phone Alone. The hashtag x, meaning a text conversation is put on hold, started with an American anti-texting and driving campaign last summer by AT&T.
Today close to 4,000 people have taken the online pledge to Leave the Phone Alone while driving. Before getting in the car, drivers are encouraged to text #x to let people know they’re going to be out of touch.
According to the campaign’s website more than 90% of Canada’s licensed drivers are subject to distracted driving infractions. It is illegal to use a hand-held phone to call or text while driving.
Drivers who use hand-held devices are four times more likely to get into a serious crash. Studies show that in the majority of collisions the driver looked away 3 seconds before the crash.
Drivers who use a hands-free device are less aware of the traffic around them and react more slowly to a critical event or do not detect danger at all.
With the star of a new year why not take the pledge to Leave the Phone Alone while driving.
More information on making a pledge can be found at