Las Vegas Leading Large US Metros with Highest Unemployment Rate


Las Vegas continues to lead among the US largest metropolitan area in the unemployment rate. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment in Las Vegas metropolitan stood at 9.4 percent in July, the highest for any metro area with a population of more than one million.

This is the second consecutive month Las Vegas is leading with the highest jobless rate. According to Wall Street Journal, the unemployment rate during the initial months of the pandemic reached 34.2 percent in Las Vegas.

Los Angeles was the second city with an unemployment of 9.3 percent in July. Both cities are among 51 metropolitan areas in the US with a population of more than one million.

Salt Lake, Utah, and Oklahoma City had the lowest jobless rate in the same month, standing at 2.8 and 2.9 consecutively in July. Smaller metro like Logan in Utah and Lincoln in Nebraska had an even lower unemployment rate.

Las Vegas resorts make more money from convection, hotel amenities, and entertainment than from gambling. In recent months, the city has seen an uptick in the number of travelers arriving at McCarran International Airport.

International travelers have been on the decline during the pandemic. International travelers and convention-goers tend to spend more money than traditional tourists and are important in filing hotel rooms in the middle of the week.