Meals on Wheels is a volunteer-driven program coordinated by Volunteer West Island to provide hot nutritious meals twice a week to seniors and to those with reduced mobility, thus helping them remain in their own homes, enjoying as high a quality of life and autonomy as possible, for as long as possible. The demand for services is rising as our population ages. Thus the need for volunteers is increasing as well.
There is currently an URGENT NEED for volunteer cooks for the Lachine Meals on Wheels kitchen located at the Centre Gariepy. Cooks are desperately needed
Thursdays from 8:30AM to 11AM. Cooks would also be welcome Tuesdays.
Drivers and deliverers are needed to deliver meals Tuesday or Thursday from 10:30AM to 1PM.
To help, please visit the Volunteer West Island website and complete the online volunteer form “I Want to Volunteer” on the Front Page. For additional information, please call (514) 457-5445 #226.